Firefighting Systems
Fire System ETR500
Fire System ETR500
Fire detection and control system for passenger compartment and technical compartments – N.660 rolling stock – VALVITALIA customer.

Fire System LOCO E464
Fire System LOCO E464
FC-DRAC control unit (Coded Remote Alarm Diffuser for fire system) – N. 600 rolling stock – Customer: BOMBARDIER

Fire System TAF
Fire System TAF
FC-DRAC control unit (Coded Remote Alarm Diffuser for fire system) – N. 256 rolling stock – Customer: AMGC

Fire System Rails MD
Fire System Rails MD
FC-DRAC control unit (Coded Remote Alarm Diffuser for fire system) – 500 rolling stock – Customer: AMGC

Fire System ETR500 MIR Fast 13
Fire System ETR500 MIR Fast 13
Fire prevention system for technical rooms – 24 rolling stock – Customer: VALVITALIA.

Fire System LOCO DE520
Fire System LOCO DE520
Detection, control and fire extinguishing system for technical compartments – 12 rolling stock – Customer: TRENORD .

Fire System TDAV
Fire System TDAV
Detection system, controlling and extinguishing fire extinguishing system technical rooms – No.1 rail vehicles – Customer: MERMEC.

Fire System ETR485
Fire System ETR485
Fire detection and control system for passenger compartment and technical compartments – N.135 rolling stock – Customer: PSC.

Fire System ETR600-610
Fire System ETR600-610
Fire detection and control system for passenger compartment and technical compartments – N.133 rolling stock – Customer: PSC.

Fire System Autoscale APV
Fire System Autoscale APV
Detection, control and fire extinguishing system for technical compartments and driver’s cab – No. 88 rolling stock – Customer: TESMEC.

Fire prevention system Diagnostic Vehicles OCPD002
Fire prevention system Diagnostic Vehicles OCPD002
Detection system, controlling and extinguishing fire extinguishing system technical rooms and cockpit – No.4 rail vehicles – Customer: TESMEC.

Fire System MINUETTO
Fire System MINUETTO
Fire detection system and control system passenger compartment and technical rooms – 204 rail vehicles – Customer: PSC.

FC-SIF3-MP is a fire detector for railway applications that imple- ments two different types of sensors: one to determine the waste compounds of combustion (smoke) and the other to detect the thermal gradient, calculated by proprietary algorithms.
The optical smoke sensor has been designed by designing a smoke chamber specifically designed for installations in railway environments to ensure maximum response speed in the detec- tion of fire principles with a high immunity to false alarms. Smoke is present in the early stages of fires, so smoke detectors (high performance optics) are the most appropriate to carry out the detection.The FC-SIF3-MP is equipped with two light indicators, placed on the outer case in a clearly visible position, of red and green color through which it is possible to indicate the operating status of the Detector and any alarm conditions.

The detector has been designed with particular attention to the aesthetic impact and ease of installation. It has a reduced profile that allows the integration even in coaches with very low roofs.
All materials used in the production of the detector are suitable for the railway sector and in full compliance with the fire and fumes technical norm EN45455-2.The detector is designed according to the current fire detection standards ensuring a level of safety in- tegrity SIL2 according to EN 50126.
FC-SIF 32x32
FC-Sif32x32-MP is a fire detector for railway applications which implements two different types of sensors: one to determine the waste compounds of combustion (smoke) and the other to detect the presence of flame and thermal gradient, calculated by propri- etary algorithms, using a high resolution infrared matrix sensor.
The presence of the infrared sensor, in addition to the optical smoke sensor, allows to improve the performance of the detector in order to obtain a more precise and faster product in the detec- tion of fires.
The optical smoke sensor has been developed through testing in a smoke chamber specifically studied for installations in the railway environment to ensure maximum response speed in the detection of fire principles with a high immunity to false alarms.
Smoke is present in the early stages of the fire, so smoke detec- tors (high performance optics) are the most appropriate to carry out the detection.In addition to the optical smoke sensor, the FC- Sif32x32-MP detector is equipped with an infrared matrix sensor capable of thermal imaging and of detecting the spatial position of the flame points.

It is therefore possible to detect promptly the occurrence of a fire within the environment in which it is installed.
The IR sensor, by its nature, being compensated both in tempera- ture and electrically, is completely immune to environmental dis- turbances and, by means of suitable software recognition algo- rithms, is insensitive to vandalism.
Moreover, thanks to its physical characteristics it is known for its capability to guarantee the detection of the fire in a very wide area.
FC-SIF 64x64
FC-Sif64x64-MP is a fire detector for railway applications which implements two different types of sensors: one to determine the waste compounds of combustion (smoke) and the other to detect the presence of flame and thermal gradient, calculated by precise algorithms, using a high resolution infrared matrix sensor.
The presence of the infrared sensor, in addition to the optical smoke sensor, normally preferred by the regulations, allows to im- prove the performance of the detector in order to obtain a more precise and faster product in the detection of fires.
The optical smoke sensor has been designed by designing a smoke chamber specifically studied for installations in railway environments to ensure maximum response speed in the detec- tion of fire principles with a high immunity to false alarms. Smoke is present in the early stages of fires, so smoke detectors (high performance optics) are the most appropriate to carry out the de- tection.
In addition to the optical smoke sensor, the FC-Sif64x64-MP de- tector is equipped with an infrared matrix sensor capable of ther- mal imaging and of detecting the spatial position of the flame points. It is therefore possible to detect fires in the environment in which they are installed in a timely manner.

The IR sensor, by its nature, being compensated both in tem- perature and electrically, is completely immune to environmental disturbances and by means of suitable software algorithms ded- icated recognition, which is insensitive to vandalism. Moreover, thanks to its physical characteristics it is able to have a remark- able field of vision in order to ensure the detection of the fire cov- ering a very wide area.
The detector is designed according to current fire detection standards ensuring a level of safety integrity SIL2 according to EN50126. 19

Controllo - Rack
The RACK FC-SCIA-18 consists of 2 racks each dedicated to the management of certain types of modules.
In particular, a rack ( MASTER) is designed for the housing of the two modules FC-CTR-18 and FC-MO-18, the other rack ( SLAVE) is designed for the housing of a maximum of 13 modules type FC-MR-18, FC-MRR-18, FC-MRVT-18. The number of modules varies depending on the configura- tion of the vehicle on which the rack is installed.
The general system architecture has been designed to be in full compliance with ST 377000 (scia) and UNI 11565.
Controllo - Rack
The RACK FC-SCIA is designed for the housing of 2 control units called FC-CTR, each of which communicates through the CAN bus with the modules FC-MR and FC-MO. Each FC- MR and FC-MO module is divided into two equal sections (independent power and control) that are connected to the two CAN buses of the two FC-CTR modules, in full compliance with ST 385337.
The communication protocol used on the CAN bus is CAN 2.0.
The general system architecture has been designed to be in full compliance with ST 16 385337(SCIA) and UNI 11565.

Controllo - Rack
Modular control system consisting of a series of control units that can be installed in a single rack or distributed along the train.
Designed and constructed according to the current fire detection standards to ensure a SIL 2 safety integrity level according to EN 50126.
The general architecture of the system has been designed to be in full compliance with UNI 11565
Signalling Panels
Signalling Panels
Signalling Panels
Signalling Panels
To make visible to the on-board staff the light and sound signals, a panel has been developed to be mounted visibly inside the vehicle available to the Pdb.
The panel is connected to the MO module via a serial bus “ONE WIRE”
Signalling Panels
Signalling Panels
Pannello Segnalazioni Quadro FC-BT-S
To make visible to the on-board staff the light and sound signals, a panel has been developed to be mounted visibly inside the vehicle available to the Pdb.
The panel is connected to the MO module via a serial bus “ONE WIRE”
Signalling Panels
Signalling Panels
The FC-PSBM-A-18 panel, which is positioned on the maneuvering bench to allow the driver to control the status of the fire protection system in vehicles by means of acoustic and light signals.

Remote Alarm Encoded Diffuser
Remote Alarm Encoded Diffuser
The control unit DRAC (Remote Alarm Encoded Diffuser) makes possible to interface the fire alarm system or others in order to convey alarm or diag- nostic information or other signals along the train using two train wires also available in sharing with other functions.
The device is designed in accordance with Trenitalia’s ST385338.